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Jeffrey Paul On Beauty as Wellness For In Step Beauty

Jeffrey Paul On Beauty as Wellness For In Step Beauty

Jeffrey Paul On Beauty as Wellness For In Step Beauty

The beauty industry and social media promote lots of ideas, about what is considered beautiful, most of them are complex and often unattainable. These unrealistic and exaggerated perspectives distort a person’s self-image, lowers self-esteem, and disconnects them from their core essence.

I created Beauty as Wellness as a tool to help us express all parts of who we are and counter the damaging effects of social media. It is a wholesome approach into the world of beauty because it promotes a healthy, balanced and constantly evolving version of you. It is not trendy or over exaggerated makeup application. It is not a blanket style of makeup that is void of individuality by completely wiping out what is considered a natural asset and repainting it back on. It is the highlighting and contouring of your physical attributes, while blending and smoothing your emotional attributes and emphasizing and redefining your spirit.

So, Beauty as Wellness is the unification, glorification, and celebration of our fragmented parts. When we approach beauty from a position, that is balanced mentally spiritually physically and emotionally, what we produce can affect others deeply as well as be aesthetically gratifying. This is Beauty as Wellness.

Jeffrey Paul

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